ECIC 3- Driebergen, The Netherlands
The Third Conference
The Internet boom was reality. More and more people used Internet. Different services of Churches was developed and more people was involved in the Christian Internet.
Third European Internet Conference was held in June 11-13, 1998 in the Netherlands and was hosted by Reformed Church. The Conference Centre, Kerk en Wereld in Driebergen, offered excelent facilities and City of Utrecht nice leisure activities, like a boat trip through canals.

Convinced of the importance of the christian presence on the Internet the participants of the third European Christian Internet Conference declared
that the churches of Europe have the responsibility to:
- take full advantage of the potential of the Internet and be aware of fast moving technological developments and on the implication for the churches with regard to training, education and resources for their people;
- find suitable Internet strategies to organize, empower and resource the people working in the churches;
- be aware of the fact that if they do not provide this, churches will be disconnected from major developments in the information society.